Saturday, November 17, 2012

Parent, Family, and Community Engagement

Story One:

The Wrighten Family     

                This family was introduced to the Head Start program by two parental advocates that also had their children participate in this program. Once Mrs. Wrighten got involved with this program she them became an advocate and latter a policy maker and official over this program. She became active just as a parent and because of how she was pleased she obtained a place of leadership over this program.

Story Two:

Charmayne Thomas:

                Mrs. Thomas had three children that were initially apart of the Head Start family. Charmayne is currently working in the school district in Philadelphia. Mrs. Thomas started volunteering with this program and also grew to working with them in public policy. In conclusion, she has a 22 year old that is currently attending college at Penn State University.

The professional and personal significance you drew from these stories:

                In reading these stories I see how important parental involvement is the school is. In both of these stories these families were very active in their child’s academic journeys. I also see that when parent are pleased with the programs they then become advocates for you as a EC professioanal and also for the school.

Why involvement opportunities for parents and family members benefit young children, families, and the early childhood field

                I feel that involvement creates success opportunities just like these two families. One family stated that : their child never missed a day of school and also becoming a part of the school as a volunteer has provoke both of these families to work within this program as a policy changer. I feel that parental involvement is contagious. The parents with become advocates and tell others about what going on at the Head Start programs.

The value that hearing such stories has for early childhood professionals, for the public, and for policymakers and government officials

                Hearing this type of experiences within in the Head Start family creates a hope that this system has not been opened in vain. This system was created to help all families that desired to get better education but could not afford it to be able to receive the education for their children they wanted.

Your opinion regarding why or why not parent/family involvement is an essential system element for all strands of service in the early childhood field

                I feel that early childhood development is a critical parent of a children success in early childhood development because this is the initial transition that the child is having to a new learning environment. Since this is new to the child it is so important for the child’s family to be active in this environment so that it is easy for that child to feel comfortable to receive everything they need to move into academic success.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Quality Programs for All Children

Throughout the years early chilhood education has evolved from developing Head Start programs to assit with poor familes to public policies that have influed the curriculum taught in our schools. I feel the the United States public poinion is regard to the value and importance of providing quality service for young childrne and failies have drasticllly changed over the years. From lookin gat this weeks media I see how the governments influence changed the different strands of educaiton. Presiden Lyndon Johnson, during his presidency, offered Head start and other programs to assit with ending poverty. Kindergarden was formed to prepare kids for transitioning to primary school. Some educational normalities that are common now weren't so common in earlier years. Understanding the changes that have been made makes me appreciate my position in the early chilhood field.

Their are some things that I would like to see in the next five years within the early chilhood strand. One thing I would like to see is Head Start open their doors to infant and toddlers. Learning starts in the womb of every mother. I feel that introducing chidlren to socialization and cognitive skills at an early age will help to pull up the succes rate of the Head Start program. Lastly, I would like to see the Head Starts curriculum included some form of parent invlovement where they can get their parents involved with their school.

Public Policies have changed within the United states Government. I will enjoy seeing the new regulations that are to come.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

What Resonates With You About Early Childhood Public Policy and Advocacy?

Why did you choose this specialization?

I choose to Major in Early Childhood Studies focusing in Public Policy and Advocacy because I want to help families as both my family was helped. I was adopted at 3 months and my family had lots of support that helped both me and my adopted sister transition to our new family. I want to work with foster families and also adopted families as a liaison connecting them with resources they need to transition to their new families. I also want to open a group home were I can help neglected children to be connected with families. I feel that as an advocate I can help people.

 Why are advocates essential in the early childhood field?

Advocates are very important in the early childhood field because most families don't relate know how much resources are available for their children. Most children are going from home to school and some families feel that they are the only ones going through growing pains. As an advocate I can connect these families with different support groups and also resources that can help them transition smoothly.

What do you hope to learn about public policy and advocacy?

I hope to learn testimonies from my colleagues about different resources that are out their and how they found them. I want to leave this class understanding my role as an advocate and where the needs are in my community. I will make my self available for my community and my working environment. In this class I want to also learn about different policies that are out their for early childhood learning.