Saturday, February 2, 2013

"My Own Capacity"

Which issues impacting young children and their families and/or the field of early childhood fuel your passion?

The field that really fuels my passion is infants and toddlers and also foster care. I feel that I have a direct passion for this age range. I specifically appreciate this age range because this is the most influential time in a child's life. In this time a child can learn so much from speaking to walking. Also they learn how to build relationships. I want to advocate for families with children this age so that I can be a point of contact for information and resources they can use in ensuring that there children get a good start. I also love with a passion fostering children. I know for sure that I will foster and also have a children's home for foster children. Fostering children is something that I have desired as a young child. I feel that the love I received must be shared with others.

What special skills do you have that will contribute to your advocacy efforts? How will you incorporate these skills into your work?

I feel that the skills that I am learning in this class will be the skills that I combine with the passion I have for the issue associated with fostering children. In this class I have learned how to find issues pertaining to early childhood development. I have learned different strategies to address the issues and I have also learned how to research previous research pertaining to the issues that I will address as an advocate. All of these things are important to understand as an early childhood advocate. Another skill that I feel is important is to socialize with people in the communities around us to listen for issues that are pertaining to early childhood development and with that choose the direction of advocacy I can go in.

What resources do you have at your disposal that can benefit your advocacy work?

Two resources that I will use is: Zero to Three's website and also NAEYC resources that are made available on their website. Through out my journey at Walden I have learned many things pertaining to different subjects in the early childhood field.

What knowledge, skills, dispositions, and/or talents do you possess that will contribute to your advocacy work?

The one thing that I feel will help me in my advocacy journey is the desire to help the people around me. I feel that as a advocate I only task is to help address that issue of choice to ultimately makes someone life better.

In what ways do you hope to grow in order to be a more effective advocate?

I would love to learn about more advocates that are addressing the issue of fostering children and the effects of foster children.


  1. Hi McKenzie,
    You are so right, parents are children's first teachers, but we are with them a very long time and have a great influence on them, we can either encourage or discourage.Young children are like little spomges that obsorb all that is around them.Good blog thanks.

    Elizabeth Estrada

  2. Hi McKenzie!

    I love that you have a passion for infants and toddlers, specifically your appreciation for this influential period of a child’s development. As a mother of a two year old I can appreciate one who has an interest in infants and toddlers and a passion to advocate for their development. Zero to five years old are the most influential ages in a child’s development, therefore its essential for parents, early childhood professionals, and advocates to ensure the creation and implementation of policies and procedures which serve the best interest if children.

  3. Hi Mckenzie,

    I am glad and appreciate your advocacy effort to speak out for infants and toddlers in the foster care system. I have foster (kinship) children that I also consider as my own children. I just found out about the statistic of infants and toddlers in the foster system and I think that is an indication that there is a problem in the child’s immediate environment. I have come to realize that most of these families with foster children do not have access to resources they can use to take care of these children. It is good that you are going to be the support and resource person for both the child and their family. Thanks for sharing this inspiring idea, I appreciate it.

  4. McKenzie,

    It is great when you can combine your education and your passion. You will make a great advocate because you are looking past the problems and seeking a positive solution that will have a postive impact individuals.
